Sobre a cegueira, Shakespeare escreveu: “Looking on darkness which the blind do see”, levando a crer que aquilo que um cego vê é escuridão.
Borges, que cegou (como o seu pai e a sua avó), contrapôs assim: “One of the colors that the blind-or at least this blind man-do not see is black (…) The world of the blind is not the night that people imagine. (I should say that I am speaking for myself, and for my father and my grandmother, who both died blind-blind, laughing, and brave, as I also hope to die. They inherited many things-blindness, for example-but one does not inherit courage. I know that they were brave.)
A cegueira de Borges leva-me a acreditar que tem de existir luz dentro da escuridão, se até os cegos a conseguem ver.